JACKSON'S expectorant extra strength all fours 100mg/5ml 200ml

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  • JACKSON'S expectorant extra strength all fours 100mg/5ml 200ml

JACKSON'S expectorant extra strength all fours 100mg/5ml 200ml

  • Product features

    Jackson's Extra Strength All Fours eases irritating chesty coughs caused by chronic bronchitis, colds, flu and allergies. Chesty coughs happen when you cough up sticky, thick phlegm (mucus) and have tightness in your chest. This medication works by loosening stubborn phlegm in your throat and chest, making it easier to cough through your mouth. It's suitable for adults and children aged 12 and over, and contains the active ingredient guaifenesin (an expectorant).

    • For adults and children aged 12 and over
    • Relieves chesty coughs and loosens mucus
    • Fast-acting


This product is for short-term use only. The pharmacist can only supply 1 bottle per patient per order.

Jackson's All Fours Chest Coughs alleviates irritating chesty coughs thanks to the active ingredient guaifenesin (an expectorant), which breaks down stubborn mucus.


  • What causes a chesty cough?

    Coughs are usually caused by phlegm and pollutants such as smoke or dust. Usually, coughs are short-term and seldom a sign of anything sinister. With a chesty cough, your body produces mucus which you cough up. Some of the main causes of temporary chesty coughs include:

    • An upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), like the flu or common cold, that involves your windpipe, throat or sinuses.
    • Worsening of a chronic illness like asthma.
    • Allergies like hay fever.
  • Do I need to see my doctor if I have a chesty cough?

    Generally, you don't have to visit your doctor unless you experience the below symptoms:

    • Your cough has been going on for over three weeks.
    • Your cough is severe.
    • You are coughing up blood.
    • You are experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath or problems breathing.
    • Unexplained weight loss.
    • Ongoing changes in your voice.
    • Swellings or bumps in your neck.
  • What's Jackson's All Fours Chest Coughs medicine?

    This cough mixture contains guaifenesin which belongs to a group of drugs called expectorants and helps loosen mucus in your chest. You can use it to soothe symptoms of chesty coughing, catarrh and a stuffy nose without experiencing drowsiness.

  • How does it work?

    It works by loosening and thinning phlegm (mucus), so you can cough it out more comfortably. 

Side Effects

As with all medications, this cough medicine may cause side effects. However, this is rare. If you experience any of the following, speak to your GP or Pharmacy Online pharmacist:

  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick (nausea) or being sick
  • Hives
  • Rash on the skin
  • Stomach ache
