BRONCHOSTOP junior syrup 120ml

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  • BRONCHOSTOP junior syrup 120ml

BRONCHOSTOP junior syrup 120ml

  • Product features

    Bronchostop Junior cough syrup is a natural, fast acting cough syrup for children that can be administered day or night. It's used to relieve dry and chesty coughs in children aged 1 year and above. With a powerful combination of all natural ingredients, including natural honey and marshmallow dry extract, and zero GMOs, Bronchostop offers a safe way to to soothe the throat, loosen mucus, break up phlegm and promotes a speedier recovery. Do not give the syrup to children under 1 year of age.

    • Contains no artificial colouring
    • Reliable fast acting cough syrup for children
    • Strawberry flavour cough medicine


Bronchostop Junior Syrup strawberry flavour cough medicine with the active ingredients marshmallow dry extract and honey. It's a safe and effective way to relieve coughs in children. It is non-drowsy and can be used during the day or night. Bronchostop Junior Syrup is also free from artificial colours, alcohol, lactose, and gluten.


  • What is Bronchostop Junior Syrup?

    Bronchostop Junior Syrup is a natural cough syrup that is used to relieve dry and chesty coughs in children aged 1 year and above. It contains marshmallow dry extract and honey, which work together to soothe the throat and loosen mucus.

  • How will Bronchostop Junior Syrup help? 

    Bronchostop Junior Syrup contains the active ingredients marshmallow dry extract and honey. Marshmallow dry extract is a natural ingredient that has been used for centuries to treat coughs and sore throats. It contains mucilage, a substance that coats the throat and soothes irritation. Honey has been shown to be effective in relieving coughs. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties, and it can also help to loosen mucus.

  • What are the ingredients in Bronchostop Junior Syrup?

    Bronchostop junior cough syrup 120ml contains xylitol, xanthan glycerol anhydrous citric acid strawberry aroma methyl 4 hydroxybenzoate propyl 4 hydroxybenzoate purified

  • What is the usual dosage for Bronchostop Junior Syrup?

    The usual dosage for Bronchostop Junior Syrup is as follows:

    • Children aged 6 to 11 years: 15 ml up to 4 times per day
    • Children aged 4 to 5 years: 7.5 ml up to 4 times per day
    • Children aged 2 to 3 years: 5 ml up to 4 times per day
    • Children aged 1 year and above: 5 ml up to 3 times per day

    To use Bronchostop Junior Syrup, simply measure out the recommended dose using the measuring cup provided. The dose will vary depending on your child's age. Bronchostop Junior Syrup can be taken up to 4 times per day. If you are unsure of the correct dosage for your child, please talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Who is Bronchostop Junior Syrup suitable for?

    Bronchostop Junior Syrup is suitable for children aged 1 year and above who are experiencing dry or chesty coughs. It is also suitable for children with allergies, as it is free from artificial colours, alcohol, lactose, and gluten.

    • Do not give the syrup to children who are allergic to any of the ingredients.
    • If your child has any medical conditions, talk to your doctor before giving them Bronchostop Junior Syrup.

    If you have any questions or concerns about using Bronchostop Junior Syrup, please talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

  • Can I take Bronchostop Junior Syrup if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

    It is not recommended to take Bronchostop Junior Syrup if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as there is limited research on the safety of Bronchostop Junior Syrup for pregnant and breastfeeding women. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding and are experiencing a cough, please talk to your doctor about other safe and effective treatment options.

Side Effects

There are some known side effects associated with Bronchostop Junior Syrup. These side effects are generally mild and go away on their own. However, it is important to be aware of them and to seek medical attention if you experience any severe or persistent side effects.

Some of the most common side effects of Bronchostop Junior Syrup include:

  • Stomach upset
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Hives
  • Allergic reaction

If your child experiences any of these side effects, stop giving them the syrup and talk to your doctor.

You can also contact the Pharmacy Online team to discuss any concerns you may have about this medicine. 


Info Leaflet

Before taking any medicines, regardless of whether they are over-the-counter or prescription-only, it is essential always to read the patient information leaflet.



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