Freestyle Libre Three Sensor

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  • Freestyle Libre Three Sensor

Freestyle Libre Three Sensor

  • Product features

    The FreeStyle Libre 3 is the smallest, most discreet sensor yet that is worn on the back of the upper arm and continuously measures the glucose concentration in the body's interstitial fluid day and night.

    The sensor updates the glucose result up to every minute and sends it straight to your compatible smartphone.

    It can be worn for up to 14 days and is water-resistant so continues to work while you shower, swim or exercise.


FreeStyle Libre 3 System
Continuous real-time glucose readings automatically delivered to your smartphone every minute.

The most accurate 14-day CGM system2 to help reduce time spent in hypoglycaemia and improve overall glucose control.

The world’s smallest, thinnest, and most discreet sensor – about the size of a pound coin.

Easy to apply and wear with a simple one-piece applicator. Also easy  on the environment with 41% less plastic and 43% less outer packaging material.


How to monitor your glucose with FreeStyle Libre 3




Do the FreeStyle Libre systems need to be calibrated?

No, the FreeStyle Libre sensor is calibrated during the manufacturing process so you don't have to. The Sensor is activated by scanning and then, after a 1 hour warm up period, it starts to record glucose readings automatically.


Can the FreeStyle Libre systems be used to make insulin dosing decisions?

Yes. People with diabetes can use FreeStyle Libre sensors with the FreeStyle LibreLink or FreeStyle Libre 3 app to better understand the impact of actions like eating, exercise, and taking insulin based on their glucose levels. They can also make day-to-day therapy decisions when using the apps with FreeStyle Libre sensors, including insulin dosing decisions, based on guidance from their healthcare professional.

Can the FreeStyle Libre systems be used by children?

The FreeStyle Libre systems are indicated for measuring interstitial fluid glucose levels in people (age 4 and older) with diabetes mellitus. The indication for children (age 4 - 12) is limited to those who are supervised by a caregiver who is at least 18 years of age. A caregiver at least 18 years old is responsible for supervising, managing, and assisting the child in using the FreeStyle Libre system and interpreting its readings.

Are there any clinical studies that support the use of the FreeStyle Libre systems?

The FreeStyle Libre systems have been studied in two landmark randomised controlled trials (RCTs) which demonstrated improvements in diabetes outcomes for both Type 1 and Type 2 patients with diabetes, those are:

1. Bolinder J,et al. Novel glucose-sensing technology and hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes a multicentre, non-masked, randomized controlled trial. The Lancet 2016.
2. Haak T, Hanaire H, Aijan R et al. Flash glucose-sensing technology as a replacement for blood glucose monitoring for the management of insulin-treated type 2 diabetes: a multicentre, open-label radomised controlled trial. Diabetes Ther. 2016.


Can the FreeStyle Libre systems be used by dialysis patients?

The FreeStyle Libre systems have not been evaluated for use by persons on dialysis.


How can I connect with family and caregivers remotely?

If you are using the FreeStyle LibreLink or FreeStyle Libre 3 mobile app to monitor your glucose levels, you can invite your family/caregiver to access your glucose data remotely, anytime by using LibreLinkUp app. Visit the LibreLinkUp page to see how to do this.


Can I use the FreeStyle Libre systems on animals?

The FreeStyle Libre systems are only indicated for humans.


Am I able to share my data from the FreeStyle Libre systems with my healthcare provider?

You are encouraged to share your data with your healthcare professional so that they can better work with you to manage your daily routine. Through LibreView, you can automatically share your data with your healthcare professional by linking your LibreView account to their Healthcare Practice. Alternatively, you can email yourself or print a PDF of your reports to share with your healthcare team.


Do I need to scan the FreeStyle Libre 3 Sensor to get a glucose reading?

No. With the FreeStyle Libre 3 System, you do not need to scan to receive a glucose reading. When your FreeStyle Libre 3 Sensor is paired with your smartphone, you will automatically see the latest glucose information after you open the FreeStyle Libre 3 app or when you receive an alarm notification on your compatible smartphone.


Do I still have to finger prick?

Finger pricks are required if your glucose readings and alarms do not match symptoms or expectations.


Do I need to carry a separate blood glucose meter?

There's no need to use a separate blood glucose meter for routine testing. The FreeStyle LibreLink and FreeStyle Libre 3 apps allow you to get glucose results as often as you like. If you're using the FreeStyle Libre 2 system, simply scan your FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor with your phone to get a glucose reading. If you're using the FreeStyle Libre 3 system, glucose readings will be streamed to your phone every minute.


Should my child use the FreeStyle Libre 3 app?

When starting a new sensor, users must choose which device they would like to use and if they want to share glucose data with their caregiver or healthcare provider.

The FreeStyle Libre 3 Sensor can be used with the FreeStyle Libre 3 app.


Does the FreeStyle Libre 3 system work with LibreLinkUp?

Yes, the FreeStyle Libre 3 system works with LibreLinkUp. Family and friends who are connected to FreeStyle Libre 3 app users via the LibreLinkUp app will receive continuous glucose information automatically on their smartphone every single minute. LibreLinkUp app users can also customise their glucose alarm settings to receive glucose alarms at their preferred level.


Can I get the FreeStyle Libre 3 system?

The FreeStyle Libre 3 system is not yet available on prescription. It will be available via the NHS Supply Chain Insulin Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Closed Loop Insulin Delivery Systems and Associated Products framework. People with Type 1 diabetes can check the eligibility criteria for real-time CGM on the Diabetes UK or JDRF websites. The FreeStyle Libre 3 system is intended for people with Type 1 diabetes with more complex management needs, who require a real-time CGM.


How often does the FreeStyle Libre 3 system measure my glucose?

The FreeStyle Libre 3 Sensor measures glucose every minute and updates glucose values in the app every minute. Historic glucose readings (shown on the 12-hour glucose graph) are stored in the app every 5 minutes.


What is the FreeStyle Libre 3 system?

The FreeStyle Libre 3 System is a continuous glucose monitoring system that sends glucose readings every minute directly to your smartphone1 so you can act faster to avoid hypoglycaemia. It has the same unsurpassed 14-day accuracy as the FreeStyle Libre 2 System. Being the world’s smallest and thinnest most discreet , glucose sensor (about the size of two stacked 5 cent Euro coins or two stacked U.S. pennies), FreeStyle Libre 3 users can view their glucose levels discreetly and conveniently.


How can I connect with my healthcare team remotely?

Our FreeStyle Libre Digital Ecosystem provides you with the FreeStyle LibreLink mobile phone app, FreeStyle Libre 3 app and LibreView. LibreView is a secure cloud-based software that allows both you and your doctor to connect remotely at no cost.


Buy Freestyle Libre Three online?

You can buy Free style Libre online


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