Cough, Cold & Flu

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When your child is struck down with a cough or cold, finding the right relief to soothe their symptoms will become your top priority. At Pharmacy Online, we know how important it is for you to feel confident in the cough, cold, and flu treatments you choose. That's why we stock only trusted brands, formulated to be gentle yet effective for young bodies.

From soothing syrups for a nagging cough, to comforting rubs for a stuffy nose, or medicine for a fever that needs attention, our products stand ready to help address any cough, cold, or fever. Browse our selection today and see why so many parents trust us with their children's health needs.

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About Coughs and Colds

We all feel a bit helpless when our little ones start showing the first signs of a cough or cold. These common ailments are especially frequent among children, who pick them up at school, from friends, or during play. While mostly mild, they can make your child feel uncomfortable and out of sorts.

Coughs serve a purpose: they're your child's body's way of trying to clear away what shouldn't be there, like mucus, irritants, or an infection from the throat and breathing passages.

Colds, on the other hand, are caused by viruses that invade the upper respiratory system, leading to a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, and sometimes a mild fever.

While both are usually mild and resolve on their own, they can be uncomfortable for children, disrupting sleep and daily activities. Knowing when and how to treat these symptoms can make a big difference in your child's comfort and recovery.

Most coughs and colds don't require antibiotics and can be managed with simple measures like ensuring your child rests and stays hydrated, as well as over-the-counter treatments to relieve symptoms.

Our product range includes treatments that are safe and effective, easing everything from nasal congestion to sore throats.

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Understanding your child’s symptoms

When your child starts showing signs of a cough, cold, or flu, it isn't always immediately obvious what's wrong and how best to help them.

Here's a breakdown of common symptoms and guidance on when to seek treatment or consult a doctor.

Common symptoms of cough, cold, and flu

Cough: This could be dry or accompanied by mucus. It's the body's response to clearing the airways. A persistent cough that lasts more than a week or worsens should be checked out by a doctor.

Runny or stuffy nose: This is often the first sign of a cold, characterised by an increase in mucus production.

Sore throat: Usually an early symptom, this can range from mild irritation to severe pain.

Fever: More common with the flu than colds, a fever might indicate the body fighting off an infection.

Body aches and fatigue: Especially typical with the flu, these symptoms can make your child feel unusually tired and uncomfortable.

When to consider treatment

Most symptoms of the common cold are manageable at home with rest, hydration, and over-the-counter cough and cold medicines. However, consider treatment if:

- Symptoms cause your child significant discomfort or disrupt their sleep.

- Their cough or congestion is severe enough to cause difficulty breathing.

- Your child is unusually irritable, lethargic, or refuses to drink fluids.

When to consult a doctor

Consult a healthcare provider in the following scenarios:

- Your child is under 3 months old and has a fever or shows signs of illness.

- If symptoms persist beyond a week or suddenly worsen.

- Your child experiences difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, or bluish lips or face.

Recognising these symptoms and knowing how to respond means your child receives the appropriate care, whether it's soothing a simple sore throat or addressing more serious flu symptoms.

Always trust your instincts as a parent; if something seems off, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.

Our Product Range

Explore our carefully selected range of products designed to alleviate symptoms of coughs, colds, and flu in children:

Calpol Vapour Plug In & Nightlight - Lavender & Chamomile

- Benefits: Provides a soothing atmosphere for better sleep with gentle decongestant properties.

- Key ingredients: Lavender & Chamomile essential oils.

- Suitable for: Nighttime relief for children suffering from nasal congestion.


- Benefits: Relieves any type of cough associated with a cold or flu without causing drowsiness.

- Key ingredients: Thyme herb extract.

- Suitable for: Children from 1 year and above, free from artificial colouring, lactose, and gluten.


- Benefits: Eases breathing and helps reduce discomfort from colds.

- Key Ingredients: Eucalyptus oil, menthol, and thyme oil.

- Suitable For: Babies and children over 3 months, providing gentle relief.

Calpol Infant Suspension Liquid

- Description: A gentle yet effective formula designed to relieve pain and fever in babies and young children.

- Benefits: Eases symptoms of cold and flu, reduces fever, and provides relief from pain.

- Key ingredients: Paracetamol is the active ingredient, ensuring it is gentle on little tummies.

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How to choose the right product

Finding the right remedy for your child's cough, cold, or flu symptoms is easier than you think. Here's a simple breakdown for each:

For coughs:

- Identify the type: Is it a dry, hacking cough without much mucus or phlegm, or a wet, phlegmy one leading to a "rattling" sound when coughing?

- Choose the right medicine:Cough suppressants work to quiet the urge to cough, providing relief for dry, irritating coughs - look for ingredients like glycerin. For wet coughs, buy expectorants which are designed to loosen and thin mucus, making it easier to expel from the lungs. Look for guaifenesin as the active ingredient.

- Ensure safety: Look for age-appropriate options.

For colds:

- Know the symptoms: Is it mainly a runny nose, sneezing, or congestion?

- Select suitable solutions: Look for decongestants that contain ingredients like pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine to clear nasal passages and antihistamines for allergies. Look for age-appropriate products that are gentle on your child's delicate nasal passages. Consider saline nasal sprays or saline nose drops to help loosen mucus, ease congestion and keep nasal passages moist, without harsh chemicals.

- Check safety: Is the product safe for your child's age and health condition?

For flu:

- Recognise flu symptoms: Does your child have a fever, often accompanied by chills and sweats, body aches like sore muscles and joints, or fatigue?

- Pick symptom-specific relief: Look for medications containing acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen to bring down your child's fever and ease any associated discomfort. Choose pain relief options that target aches and pains, providing relief from sore muscles and headaches.

- Consult a professional: If flu symptoms are severe or prolonged, seek advice from a healthcare expert.

Buy relief for your child’s cold or flu symptoms

At Pharmacy Online, we understand the urgency of finding safe and effective remedies for your child’s cough, cold, or flu. Browse our selection today and shop now for next day delivery.

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