BELL'S OTC medicines cough & cold remedies glycerin 200ml

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  • BELL'S OTC medicines cough & cold remedies glycerin 200ml

BELL'S OTC medicines cough & cold remedies glycerin 200ml

  • Product features

    Bell's Cough and Cold Remedy containing glycerin is an effective medicine to combat the symptoms of dry and tickly coughs. Glycerin is a common ingredient in cough and cold medications that soothes irritated throat and cough symptoms. Bell's OTC medicines cough syrup is available without a prescription, making it an effective OTC product.

    • Relieves the symptoms of a dry cough
    • Reduces irritation from tickly throats


Bell's dry cough medicine contains glycerin and other Sodium Benzoate ingredients. The treatment can provide immediate relief for throat and chest irritation. It also has a lemon flavour and lime flavour, making it easy to consume.


  • How should I take Bells OTC cough medicine?

    Bell's OTC can be taken up to four times daily, with the adult and children over 12 doses being two 5ml spoons. Children aged six to 12 can take one 5ml spoonful four times a day, and children under six should have no more than 2.5ml every four hours.

  • Who shouldn't use Bell's glycerine cough syrup?

    If you have allergies, please check the label before using the medicine. People with sensitivities to sucrose or glucose should also avoid the medication as it can cause digestive issues.

  • When should I go to the doctor?

    If you still have symptoms a few days after using the medicine, visiting your GP is essential, as Bell's OTC won't cure infections.

Side Effects

This medicine can cause side effects, these can include, but aren't limited to:

  • Possible stomach aches
  • Digestive complications resulting from sensitivities to the ingredients

Please read the leaflet for a full explanation of the potential side effects. You should also consult your pharmacist if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.


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