POTTERS pastilles chesty cough 8

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  • POTTERS pastilles chesty cough  8

POTTERS pastilles chesty cough 8

  • Product features

    Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles effectively relieve chesty cough symptoms. As an all-natural solution, they use traditional herbs to soothe chest pain and reduce the urge to cough. With menthol, eucalyptus oil, and dwarf pine oil to loosen phlegm, Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles can speed up recovery.

    • The pastilles have expectorant properties
    • Relieves chesty coughs
    • Contains herbal ingredients
    • Reduces chest and throat pain


Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles are an effective treatment for chesty coughs and phlegm. As an OTC medicine, they can reduce the symptoms of general chesty coughs, colds, and the flu by using a combination of natural ingredients.

Each pastille contains ingredients that can unblock the respiratory system and break down phlegm, ensuring a speedier recovery. Eucalyptus oil, menthol, and dwarf pine oil give the pastilles a warming feeling that soothes the throat and chest.


  • What ingredients do Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles contain?

    Potters Pastilles contains the active ingredients of Pumilio Pine Oil 0.604%, Eucalyptus oil 0.022 v/w, and Menthol 0.813%w/w as the main ingredients. Supporting ingredients include carnauba wax, sucrose liquid glucose-modified starch (tapioca and maize), marshmallow root liquid extract, vegetable oil and water.

  • Who can use Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles?

    The pastilles are suitable for adults and children aged 12 and over. You should seek advice from a medical professional if you're using other medicines, have an underlying condition, have known allergies, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

  • How do I use them?

    Let one pastille slowly dissolve in the mouth every one to two hours, depending on your symptoms. Don't exceed 20 pastilles in 24 hours, as this can lead to side effects, including an upset stomach, vomiting, and adverse reactions.

  • How should I store Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles?

    Please store the pastilles in a cool and dry place, away from the sunlight. You can also carry them in your bag and car for on-the-go relief. Always check the expiration date and never exceed it.

  • Which symptoms do Potters Pastilles treat?

    Potter's Chesty Cough Pastilles rapidly reduce the discomfort associated with chesty coughs, colds, flu and other respiratory illnesses. Each pastille:

    • Break down phlegm: Eucalyptus and Pumilio pine oil can loosen and thin phlegm, making it easier to expel.
    • Soothes a sore throat: The menthol has a refreshing and cooling effect, helping to alleviate throat irritation and provide temporary relief.
    • Support breathing: The pastilles clear the airways, which results in more comfort and fewer issues with breathing.
  • How long do the pastilles take to work?

    The Pastilles should provide immediate relief for sore throats and chest pain, but the expectorant properties can take time to work. Once they begin to break down phlegm, they'll clear the respiratory system, helping you breathe easier.

    If the Pastilles fail to effectively relieve the symptoms, or if your symptoms worsen, it's best to see a healthcare professional.

    While Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles can reduce the symptoms associated with catarrh coughs and colds, they won't treat infections—you might have a chest infection or other condition that requires further treatment.

Side Effects

While safe in general, certain groups might experience some side effects from using Potter's Chesty Cough Pastilles. The following effects are usually relatively mild, but there's a slight possibility of severe reactions:

  • Mouth irritation: Taking too many pastilles or sucking on them too quickly can irritate your mouth. Being sensitive to some of the listed ingredients can also cause irritation.
  • Allergic reactions: While rare, some people might experience allergic reactions, including swelling, skin rashes and itching.

If you experience any side effects, please stop using the pastilles immediately and consult your doctor or a registered pharmacist for alternative treatments.


Info Leaflet

Please read the patient leaflet carefully before using Potters Chesty Cough Pastilles to decide whether it's a suitable treatment for your needs. If you need any advice or have questions, please get in touch with Pharmacy Online today.


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