
Morning After Pill

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  • Levonelle


Morning After Pill
  • Medication features

    The Levonelle morning-after pill is an effective pregnancy prevention treatment which you take up to 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sexual intercourse. It postpones the hormone transition that initiates ovulation (egg release), decreasing the chance of pregnancy following sexual intercourse. This emergency contraceptive pill is most effective when taken sooner, within 72 hours. It's suitable for most women seeking emergency contraception and contains the active ingredient levonorgestrel (a progesterone hormone).

    • A simple once-only dosage
    • Method of emergency contraception after unprotected sexual intercourse
    • Effective for up to 72 hours
    • Levonelle pill is a branded version of the cheaper generic Levonorgestrel


NOTE: After selecting this product, you will need to complete a short assessment, so we can make sure this medication is suitable for you. Pricing is provided as a reference only. The final decision on issuing this medication remains with our Prescriber / Pharmacist.

You can order the Levonelle morning-after pill here at Pharmacy Online, with next-day delivery available. For a pregnancy prevention treatment effective up to 120 hours following sexual intercourse, we offer Ella-One.

The Levonelle pill offers an effective method of pregnancy prevention taken after unprotected sex, or if your chosen contraceptive method has failed. The emergency contraceptive contains levonorgestrel, a synthetic version of the progesterone hormone produced by the ovaries. 

Once taken, the Levonelle morning after pill prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg, highly reducing the chances of pregnancy.

As an emergency contraception, the Levonelle morning-after pill is taken in one single dose up to 72 hours after intercourse. To ensure you receive the right treatment, a member of our team will ask you when intercourse occurred, as well as your weight, to ensure you receive the most appropriate emergency contraception.

You will need a double dose of levonorgestrel if you weigh over 70 kilograms or have a BMI over 26. This is because having a higher body weight/BMI is thought to reduce the effectiveness of oral emergency contraceptives. 


  • What if I am sick after I take the Levonelle morning-after pill?

    If vomiting occurs within the first three hours of taking Levonelle, it will not have been effective. You will need to repeat the dose in order for it to take effect.

  • Is Ella-One more effective than the Levonelle morning-after pill?

    Levonelle is not the only form of emergency contraception, it offers effective treatment when taken within 72 hours of intercourse, but Ella-One may be more suitable if it has been up to 120 hours. The type of morning-after pill given can depend on multiple factors, most often on the amount of time that has passed since intercourse.

    Our online pharmacists will assess your consultation and will advise you on the best morning-after pill for your needs.

  • When I buy Levonelle online, will it affect my fertility?

    No, Levonelle will not affect your fertility. The reason that morning-after pills are not recommended as a regular contraceptive is that it’s not as effective as regular contraceptives such as condoms, The Pill, or the coil.

  • Can I still have sex after taking Levonelle?

    It is fine to continue normal sexual activity after using Levonelle. Although to prevent unwanted pregnancy, you should use other forms of contraception such as condoms, The Pill or the coil.

  • When I buy Levonelle, will it get rid of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

    No, Levonelle will not protect against or treat sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You should use a home test kit or visit a GUM clinic to get tested for STIs if you have had unprotected sex with a new partner.

  • When can I take Levonelle's emergency contraceptive pills?

    You should take Levonelle up to 72 hours after intercourse occurred. However, please note that this morning-after pill is most effective when taken closer to the time of intercourse within this period.

  • How often do I take Levonelle?

    As an emergency contraception, the Levonelle pill is not intended for regular use. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, you should always use a preventative form of contraception such as condoms, the Pill, the coil, or the implant.

Side Effects

There are possible risks of side effects with any medication, including Levonelle. Some of these are fairly mild, but some may be more serious and should be reported to your GP immediately if experienced. If you are concerned about any potential side effects of Levonelle, please contact a member of our team.

Common side effects of Levonelle include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • Delayed period


Info Leaflet

Before you buy Levonelle or any medicines, it is essential always to read the patient information leaflet. This provides important information regarding possible side effects and how to take Levonelle appropriately.

Levonelle Patient Information Leaflet



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